Thursday, March 20, 2008

I dont know what to say...

Tuesday March 18th I lost a friend and former coworker, Justin Wright. Justin was a story intern the same summer that I was an animation intern. All of my room mates were story interns so I spent a bit of time over in their room. After we got hired Justin was the first former intern to start so I would go up and see what he was up to and we would geek out about how cool our dreams jobs were. I kept that up usually going up to chat once a week or so to see what he was working on and he'd show me how things worked up there since I had a big interest in story. He spent an hour once showing me how their software worked and showing me how he was doing his stuff for WALL.E. And every so often he'd accompany me and Valerie to Starbucks as the coffee at work was not up to our likings. I just can't believe that I'll never get to run up those stairs and check out what he's working on again...

Rest In Peace Justin.