So this past weekend was one of my most favorite weekends of the year: COMIC CON!
I did well this year, paying more for parking than I did for anything I bought at the convention. Me and Kevin decided to venture down to San Diego for the day on Wednesday to check out preview night and enjoy some time puttering around San Diego. My thinking was... this would be a day where there wouldn't be many people there and we'd be able to walk freely and get what we wanted before the hoards of people got there. I was proven wrong when we returned to get inside. We had to wait a half an hour just waiting in a line for an escalator to get onto the floor. I had no idea there were so many professionals and 4 day pass holders. WOOH. It was almost as busy as Saturday. So we just walked isles and stopped by to see friends who had booths and such. My main goal for the buying side of the con was to get Pascal Campion's book... and I'm proud to say this was my only purchase! I had never met Pascal, but I've admired his work on various blogs and websites. What a nice guy! I have high hopes on attending the Totoro auction and (if my wallet allows) bidding on his piece. After that we pretty much headed out to drive back to L.A.
Saturday we woke up really early to get back to San Diego. We got there a little before it opened in hopes of getting a seat in the room for The Office panel. We got around like 12th row seats and sat through some talk about a cartoon called Ben 10. After that we hopped forward a few rows for the Sarah Connor Chronicles or whatever its called. And when that was over I was able to run forward and score us some seats about 4 rows back from exactly where Rainn Wilson would be emceeing.
This is how they did their introductions:
It was AWESOME!! That's all I can say. At the end of the panel the writers signed a few autographs and I got B.J. Novak to sign my Dwight poster!
After The Office panel we did another walk through of the floor and saw some more friends and then headed home.
I found you!!! Ahahaha! Love the Office paintings!
awesome lindsay
these are looking great
can't wait to see the next one
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